Hummingbird's Philosophy: Everything Open Source

Hummingbird's Philosophy: Everything Open Source

All of our gear is completely open source and certified by the Open Source Hardware Association.

What does that mean? Open source hardware (and software) allows anyone and everyone to view, modify, redistribute and use designs however they would like.

Why would we want to give away designs for free? We believe ideas and designs should be shared so that others may benefit from them, be inspired to make something new, or contribute an idea that leads to a better or more useful product!

You can find all of our design files and associated information for our current products as well as for products we are currently developing in our GitHub Repository And here's where you can check out the terms of our Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license! 

Also, check out this recent feature from!

5 open source hardware products for the great outdoors

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